The First and Most Important Entry: What You Need to Know

Monday, January 21, 2013

In the Beginning...

If you know me personally, in the last couple years you’ve probably heard me talk about my “hour of productivity” and my “travel fund”. A few years ago, I decided I was going to stop dragging my feet on the tasks for “someday” and just make progress already!

Here is the system I’ve developed since then to help myself maximize my "productivity" AND put away money for travel. I invite you to think of how you can employ a similar system to help achieve YOUR goals!

1. Make a list.
  • What do you wish you had more time for?
  • What do you wish someone would pay you to do?
  • What are items on your ‘Someday’ list?
Maybe you want to write a novel or screenplay, clean your attic, exercise, read, make art, learn an instrument, learn a language, volunteer, spend more time with an elderly family member, take a dance class, etc, Anything you feel you should be doing, but have a hard time getting around to doing. 

My tasks are: volunteering, songwriting, screenwriting, practicing instruments, learning languages, scanning family photos, exercising, etc.

2. Find one hour in your day and DO your activity.
An hour is short enough to be available most days, but long enough to make a little bit of progress. Of course, you can go longer than an hour if you are enjoying your activity!

You can find your hour by eliminating television, internet time etc. It can be tempting to come home from work and veg on the couch, but if you actually want to accomplish something besides zoning out, this hour is your chance

I’ve found that most of the dread around a task is a mental creation that blocks us from making progress. An hour minimum reduces the sting of your task and helps you see it wasn’t that bad! It may be easier to begin the next time. And that’s what we want!

If your ability to find time is being hampered by others, get them involved! Make it a family project. Or do whatever you need (within reason) to claim your hour.  ;)

3. Reward yourself! 
You’ve accomplished an hour’s worth of ‘productivity’! You have made progress on your goal! You rose above the temptation to make excuses! You deserve a pat on the back PLUS a little extra.

I transfer $5 into my savings/travel fund for every day I do at least an hour’s worth of ‘productive’ behavior. I’m cheap and on a budget, so $5 is my daily max regardless of the hours I spend on my tasks.
Depending on your own budget, you may choose a different amount and may reward by the number of hours you spend on it.
It doesn’t have to be a financial reward. But make sure that it’s not counteractive to your task. For example, if your task is exercising, a reward of a big greasy meal is not the best choice. Perhaps stash cash/time for a hiking trip or a massage. Let me know what you come up with!

4. Redeem your saved cash for your GOAL!
What’s your money go to? Entertainment fund? New car? New exercise shoes/clothes/equipment? Do share! 

For me, my reward is TRAVEL! I can redeem my money anytime I have enough money in the travel fund to get on the road. Sometimes it's a big trip. Sometimes it's a short road trip and the travel fund pays for gas money and snacks. As long as I have money in the travel fund, I never feel guilty about taking a trip! I've earned it!

5. Start again.
Every day is a new day to succeed at your goals. You can focus on one goal until it’s done or switch up goals to keep your routine feeling fresh. You don’t have to do your hour
every day, but it should soon become a priority. You may also look forward to it!

This system can help you regain control of your schedule, help you get better at your chosen projects, get control of your money, AND feel better about yourself! I am motivated by money and travel. But I’ve also gotten addicted to the surge of pride after I do my hour’s worth of activity. 

Just as important, an hour of work AND a fund committed to travel expenses really helps eliminate guilt. After an hour, I feel free to indulge my lazy side OR keep working. And it really takes the pressure off when I travel, knowing that I EARNED that money and it’s part of a self-reward budget. I can’t guarantee it will work for you, but you never know until you try.

I invite you to take any part of My Reward System and adjust it to work for you. Start off small and work your way up. Don’t commit to do an hour EVERY day until you get in the habit of an hour ONE day a week. You may find that you enjoy your activity and that it’s much easier to get into it the next time you begin. 

If it helps, find a friend willing to undergo this experiment with you. Let me know what you come up with and how it’s affected you. I love telling people about this idea, not because I’m looking for praise, but because I found a system that is relatively easy and has helped me find success. Sharing this can only be a good thing! Try it out!

I really suck at mornings so I give myself $1 for every morning I get out of bed and don’t hit snooze.

IF I were to do an hour’s activity every day, I would earn $1780 towards my reward. IF I woke up the 6 days of the week that I set an alarm, that’s $312. So, IF I’m at my "maximum capacity," I could put away $2092 each year for my goal of Vacation.

At the end of each month, I divide my ‘productive days’ by the number of days in that month. I convert the percentage into a dollar amount… So if I was ‘productive’ 16/30 days, that equals 53.3% or an extra $5.33 into my travel fund.

For 2013, I decided to give myself two kinds of weekly goals to help guide my time to be focused on certain activities at which I REALLY want to make progress. My two Ongoing Weekly Goals are at least one hour of scanning family photos and at least one hour of writing/editing. 

In addition, each individual week, I create a list of about three goals I want to accomplish in that particular week. These aren’t necessarily tasks that will take a lot of time; but maybe just a small list of to-do items that need to happen sooner or later.

So, give it a go! TRY IT and SHARE IT! Let me know how this system helps you and what adjustments you make! Remember: it's your time! Reward yourself for it!

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